
“In moments of despair, Maddies’ Footprints has offered a comforting presence and provided insights that have allowed me to gain perspective on my pain. Their support not only has helped me gain perspective on my pain. Their support not only has helped me cope with my grief, but also equipped me with tools to navigate this ongoing emotional journey. I feel fortunate to have this organization in my life.”
Fran K.
Liam's Mom
"Maddie’s very generously assisted us with our son’s burial expenses and provided us access to free counseling that we so desperately needed for quite a while after the loss of our baby boy, Beckham. As the grief has eased and new day to day life has resumed, what I am most grateful for is the extended family of moms and friends of moms, who can empathize like no one else can, that Maddie’s connected us to. We have such a strong bond and more support from each other than you could ever ask for. Maddie’s was not only there through the worst of it, but they have stayed a part of our journey. I have new friends for life! We will be forever grateful for their generosity!"
Jackie W.
Beckham's Mom
“Maddie's Footprints has been and continues to be an incredible source of support and healing for my husband, CJ, and I during our grief journey these last 15 months after losing our first and only son at just 7 weeks of age. Their compassionate guidance and resources continue to provide us with the comfort and strength necessary to navigate through such a difficult time. Thanks to Maddie's Footprints, we found a community of understanding and empathy that helps us honor our angel, Wesley Tate, and find hope again. Their impact on our lives has been profound, and we are forever grateful for their dedication and care.”
Janie T.
Wesley's Mom