
Listed below are books or other literature that can help with the grieving process.

For Children

Someone Came Before You | by Pat Schwiebert

We were gonna have a baby, but we had an angel instead | by Pat Schwiebert

For Adults

The Bereaved Parent | by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff

How to Survive the Loss of a Child | by Catherine M. Sanders

Grieving the Child I Never Knew | by Kate Wunnenberg

I’ll Hold You in Heaven Remembrance Book | by Jack Hayford

A Place To Remember: Memories of Our Baby | Memory Keepsake Book

The Dreams of You Memory Book | Memory Keepsake Book

A Silent Love | by Adrienne Ryan

A Silent Sorrow | by Ingrid Kohn and Perry-Lynn Moffitt

Coping With Holidays and Celebrations | by Sherokee Ilse

Couple Communication After a Baby Dies – Differing Perspectives | by Sherokee Isle and Tim Nelson

Empty Arms | by Sherokee Ilse

Empty Arms | by Pam Vredevelt

Forever Our Angels | by Hannah Stone

Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby | Deborah L. Davis, Ph.D.

I’ll Hold You in Heaven | by Jack Hayford

Healing Together: For Couples Whose Baby Died | by Marcie Lister and Sandra Lovell

Mother Care: Physical Care and Beyond After a Baby Dies | by Sherokee Isle

Newborn Death | by Joy Johnson

Silent Birth: When Your Baby Dies | by Sharon N. Covington

Parenthood Lost | by Michael R. Berman, MD

Single Parent Grief | by Sherokee Isle

Talking with Children About Perinatal Loss | Author Unknown

When a Baby Dies | by Ronald Nash

This Little While by Joy Johnson

When Hello Means Goodbye | by Pat Schweibert and Paul Kirk

Unspeakable Losses | by Kim Kluger-Bell