Summer Soiree!
Well, it seemed like ages since we were all able to gather and celebrate, and our Summer Soiree definitely made up for it! The guests were happy and the champagne was flowing, and it all added up to one fantastic evening.
Thanks to everyone who came out and was willing to so generously support our cause, we were able to hit our fundraising goals for the evening and have a whole lot of fun in the process. Our annual gala is one of our biggest revenue sources to keep our mission funded, and having to cancel for 2020, then postpone 2021 was tough on our organization, but this wonderful evening sure went a long way to closing our revenue gap. THANK YOU to everyone who came out to celebrate our wonderful families, and to celebrate Maddie’s approaching our $1 million milestone. $1 million paid out in burial and medical expenses to Acadiana families in our 11 years in existence. Over 1,800 families who were able to focus on their grief and healing, and give their babies the dignified burial that they deserve.
Thank you Acadiana for standing by Maddie’s Footprints through the good times and the bad. Here is to our next 11 years!