Hope For Tomorrow

Maddie’s Footprints is planning our second annual retreat for our angel parents. We are really excited to have a much needed, full weekend for an uplifting getaway and hope that you can plan on joining us. This will give you an opportunity to connect with other bereaved families who are on the same grief journey.
The facilitator will be Leslie Herold, LCSW, PMH-C a professional therapist who specializes in the treatment of perinatal depression and anxiety, grief related to child loss, pregnancy loss, infertility, and improving transition into life after loss. We will also have keynote speaker, Laura Woods, who will share her personal story regarding love and loss of her precious daughter, Nora.
This is an event you do not want to miss. The deadline to register for this event will be November 1, 2019 and space is limited so be sure to sign up SOON!
Retreat Details
Date: TBD
Where: TBD
Deadline to Register: TBD
How to Attend:
Please email rgilmore@maddiesfootprints.org if you are interested in coming or know someone who might be.